Candace Pert, PhD endorses EFT

EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement.

Candace Pert, PhD

Author of Molecules of Emotion

Gary Craig Certified Practitioner of Official EFT

Jamie Munney, M.Sc.

Root Healings

General Practice

Specializing in:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Physical Issues
  • Women
  • Stress Management
  • Emotional Issues

Contact Info:

Palmdale, California, US


Jamie Munney, M.Sc., Reiki Master

For as long as I can remember I have had a deep compassion for people and their struggles. As a child, I could sense the pain in others, see the hurt in their eyes, and felt deep connections with humankind. As I got older, I developed an intense interest in all types of psychology, started taking classes at the age of 14 and never stopped! 

My goal has always been to help others improve their mental/emotional health & well-being. My self-healing journey started in the early 2000s when I fell in love with metaphysics, including natural health & energy healing. I have been on a deep spiritual journey ever since! I took my first Reiki class in 2010 and became a Reiki Master in 2011. I've read hundreds of metaphysical & self-development books over the years and always continue to learn as much as I can on living a fully spiritual life. During my darkest times of struggle, I found spirituality and integrated it fully into my life. It saved me! I consider Dr. David R. Hawkins to be my first real & true spiritual teacher. His teachings were my peace & solace for many years and he holds a very special place in my heart. In 2014 I earned my Masters of Metaphysical Sciences degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences. Most recently, I discovered the perfect combination of my passions of psychology, spirituality, and well-being....and it's called EFT.  

My biggest accomplishment on this journey has to be completing the Gary Craig Certified EFT™ Master complete certification in 2022! I feel so proud of myself because not only was it learning to become a EFT master practitioner, it was a huge self-healing journey with many obstacles and opportunities for personal growth along the way. Juggling being a mom to a toddler, running a business, while also taking the certification class and practice sessions, it was a whirlwind for me! I am so grateful to have connected with so many people along the way, fine tuning my skills, and making an even deeper connection with source.

I am truly excited to start this new path of healing in my life, for myself and others. I have seen so many amazing shifts that confirm I am following the best path for me. I truly believe that we are currently experiencing a global expansion of consciousness like never before. Energies are shifting at great speeds and people are feeling it, whether they know what it is or not. The need for energy healers is very important at this time. I feel so honored and privileged to be a part of this transformative time.

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