Bruce Lipton, PhD, endorses EFT

EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior.

Bruce Lipton, PhD

Author of The Biology of Belief.

ACEP Certified Advanced Practitioner of EFT

Ellie Steele, ACAP-EFT

Evolution Wellness

General Practice

Specializing in:

  • Cravings
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Image

Contact Info:

3481 Wilton Road Harrowsmith, ON, CA

Website Telephone

6133723622Timezone: America/New York

Food, Weight and Wellness Coaching

I know what it’s like to struggle with weight issues. It’s not fun.

I started gaining weight as a pre-teen. My after school snacks included bowls of peanut butter and corn syrup.  My oldest brother once teased me that I had enough ice cream in my bowl for “a family of five”. My other brother called me Buffalo Butt.  Kids at school called me Chocolate Moose.

My best friend was what I lovingly refer to as a “skinny bitch” and I couldn't help but compare myself to her, and I came up REALLY short. No matter where I went or what I did, being fat was always on my mind. I felt like a blimp. Nothing I wore was attractive. My dumb jock of a gym teacher repeatedly singled me and my fat friends out as being slow and lazy. In grade seven, a girl I looked up to took one look at my lunch and said “no wonder you’re so fat, look at all the food you eat.”

It's safe to say those early experiences shaped me. 

Those weight struggles started me on a path of looking for solutions, and by the time I was in my twenties I knew a lot about nutrition and exercise. Having the knowledge certainly wasn't enough to make a difference though.  Even if I was able to stick to what I knew was a healthy diet and force myself to exercise regularly for a period of weeks or even months, I would quickly fall into a spiral of defeat and emotional eating when the scale refused to budge.  I constantly watched the scale, letting it dictate how I felt about myself and how I interacted, or didn't interact, with the people in my life.

With iron willpower and serious deprivation I was able to peel away a few of those extra pounds, but it was never enough. No matter how much I lost, I still had the same fat programming.  Even at the thinnest I've ever been in my life, I felt fat.

I couldn't stop trying to find the solutions to this deep-seated unhappiness, so I delved into further learning, believing that I just didn't know the “secret” yet. I became a holistic nutritionist, then a personal trainer, then a sports nutritionist. I devoured book after book, tried diet after diet, went to every conceivable professional that I thought could help me including a therapist, homeopaths, naturopaths, other nutritionists etc.  I sought and sought.

And then one day I found….

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), first came to me through a diet book. I tried it, but didn't have much success and put it on the shelf for about a year. Then it came across my desk again, and again, and AGAIN, so I thought I’d better pay attention. Since then I can’t describe how much my life has changed.

EFT has given me the sense of well-being and peace about my body for which I had been searching for 20 years or more. When I made peace with the past and was able to see through that "fat-programming" my relationship with food finally changed for the better.  These days I eat well and I exercise regularly, but it's not because I hate my body.  It's because I genuinely care about myself and I want to do the best I can for myself.  It's a very powerful shift of energy.  I know that what I've learned can help those that are struggling with their body and their weight in the same way that it helped me.  It's not a magic bullet and
this kind of work takes time, dedication and effort, but you can get there if you're willing to do what it takes.  Compared to a multi-billion dollar weight loss industry that almost NEVER produces permanent results, the path of EFT coaching can be successful where nothing else can, but it doesn't happen overnight.

I offer free consultations, so I'd be happy to meet with you via phone, Skype or Facetime to discuss your challenges and my approach.

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