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A useful EFT phrase--"Reclaiming" all our possibilities

Important Note: This article was written prior to 2010 and is now outdated. Please use my newest advancement, Optimal EFT. It is more efficient, more powerful and clearly explained in my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™.  Best wishes, Gary

Note: This article assumes you have a working knowledge of EFT. Newcomers can still learn from it but are advised to peruse our Free Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tutorial™ for a more complete understanding.

Hi Everyone,

Suzanne Lerner provides a clever adjustment to the EFT language that should be useful for many. She says, "Implicit, in the phrase “I reclaim” is the belief that we already have these qualities, and just need to regain them.  Having supported many people healing childhood or adult abuse issues, I know that one of the big challenges is the belief that you have become irrevocably “damaged.”  How refreshing then, to remind ourselves, as we tap together with the reclaiming phrase, of our inherent worthiness and capabilities.  As we reclaim, our world opens up with new and wonderful possibilities."

Hugs, Gary

By Suzanne ib Lerner, PhD


I would like to share a phrase that has been very helpful in my EFT work.  I have been helping abuse survivors transform into people who celebrate life for over 20 years.  As you know, many people who have been sexually, physically or emotionally abused may suffer from depression, low-self esteem and feelings of being “broken.”  It can seem like a long uphill battle to develop the skills that others take for granted.  Therefore, I felt really grateful, when a new helpful phrase popped forth as I was creatively improvising some rounds of EFT.

As I worked with this woman who had been sexually abused, we tapped several rounds with variants of:

Even though he made me feel worthless, I know it wasn’t my fault.
The phrase then spontaneously transformed to:
Even though he made me feel worthless, I reclaim my value, I reclaim my dignity, I reclaim my body.

There it lay, like a nugget of gold, at the edge of a river … I RECLAIM! Of course!  It makes perfect sense!  So many abused children have had their boundaries overrun, so that who they “were” seemed to suddenly belong to someone else.  How healing to be able to reclaim all the parts.  As we tapped, my client and I felt joy at the many possibilities.  Tapping together with the “RECLAIMING” phrase:

Even though he ___, (filling in an aspect of the abuse that we had resolved) I reclaim my ___ (adding one or two significant positive aspects)

Some phrases that can be helpful include:

I reclaim my value … I reclaim my dignity … I reclaim my body … I reclaim my sense of safety … I reclaim my sexuality … I reclaim my femininity … I reclaim my humor … I reclaim my joy … I reclaim my hope … I reclaim my worthiness … I reclaim my integrity … I reclaim my vision … I reclaim my sense of connection … I reclaim my TRUTH …  reclaim my possibilities … I reclaim my childhood … I reclaim my innocence … I reclaim my dreams … I reclaim my power …I reclaim my Soul…

Implicit, in the phrase “I reclaim” is the belief that we already have these qualities, and just need to regain them.  Having supported many people healing childhood or adult abuse issues, I know that one of the big challenges is the belief that you have become irrevocably “damaged.”  How refreshing then, to remind ourselves, as we tap together with the reclaiming phrase, of our inherent worthiness and capabilities.  As we reclaim, our world opens up with new and wonderful possibilities.

I hope you will experiment with reclaiming for yourself … the possibilities are endless.  While this post has focused on childhood abuse issues, the reclaiming phrase is also of great use in working with addictions, for example: I reclaim my ability to be sober … I reclaim my ability to be entertained without using drugs, etc.

I give such thanks for the miracle of EFT in my life!

Rose Petals Upon Your Path.
Suzanne ib Lerner, Ph.D.

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Explore our newest advancement, Optimal EFT™, by reading my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist™. More efficient. More powerful.