Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABIHM endorses EFT

EFT produces remarkable recoveries.

Daniel J. Benor, MD

ACEP Certified Advanced Practitioner of EFT

Lukas Srbecky

General Practice

Specializing in:

  • Depression
  • Emotional Issues
  • OCD
  • Physical Issues
  • Anxiety

Contact Info:

Brno, Czech Republic, CZ

Website Telephone

+420 604 512 671Timezone: Europe/Prague

Being EFT Advanced Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner my work is based on Gold Standard EFT tools and complementary NLP techniques. EFT tools include clearing the specific events, testing, personal peace procedure etc. These are supported by NLP knowledge of how our language and mind operate, how limiting beliefs are formed and how we can change them.

The combination of these powerful tools help me to be more efficient – to get to the cause and to bring a positive change quickly.

I have dealt with hundreds of clients suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, depression, different types of fears, phobias and OCD. I work extensively with topics related to self-worth and self-image and issues stemming from these.

It is really a great joy for me when my clients approach from

tension to relief
sickness to health
pain to joy
fear to trust
heaviness to lightness
role of victim to the one who creates his or her life.

That is something which I really enjoy and which is fulfilling. I am very grateful we have tools like EFT to achieve such results.

I am based in Brno, Czech Republic. I offer EFT sessions in person in my office or online via Skype both in Czech and English.

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